That's what my 3 yr old told me today. We were just about home and one of our neighbors, a lady, was out walking in the dark.

"She shouldn't be walking alone, There are bad guys out and about, " I said.

I am kind of glad that he hasn't had a run in with "Bad" guys. As a parent I would like to protect him, but I don't want to shelter him either. I hope I can prepare him for whatever comes his way. It was only a few days ago we remembered the tragic events of 9/11 and the great courage and determination Americans showed in response to the brutality brought upon the innocent.

Where will he be in a couple of decades? Will he be out there in the concrete jungle fighting to preserve my freedom? I wonder sometimes what state the world will be in when he has grown. I hope and pray that he will get the opportunity to raise a family as I have. To have the joy of having a son run to the door when you get home is wonderful and fulfilling. I guess only time will tell.

Well I have to admit I was a little surprised when I heard this.

Some politicians are trying to push forward the policy of granting Social Security benefits to illegal aliens. This just ain't right. I have been paying into SS all my working life, (23 yrs.) Do you think I am going to see any of that?

Monetarily, No, However....
What are the other benefits I have recieved. I have been able to live a pretty good life. I have access to some of the best health care in the world. Prescriptions are a little pricey. I get to play a role in the choice of local and national leaders.

I can be a CAPITALIST!!
and Our Military can KICK their Military Ars.
It's a small price to pay, God Bless America, Hooyah!

Clarification for my WIFE.....

Social Security for Illegals would SUCK, is wrong and morally irreprehensible!

Me paying Social Security is OK,(Even though I won't ever see that money again.)